Are You called?


Have you been called to walk in your purpose?

I took a break from going live in May, so I combined my May and June blogs during the month of June. Watch as I discuss my May and June blogs.


Have you ever heard the expression “you’re called” or “they’re called”? This is asking are you being called by God, our Higher Power to do something. Has He called you out of your family, your friends, the world, to carry out a mission? Is there something special He placed in your life that you should do that will ultimately give Him the glory and bless others? This is what’s meant when you’re asked or you ask someone if you/they are called?

I do believe that each of us have been placed on this earth with a gift and a purpose, some having more than one gift or purpose. It is up to us to use our gifts and purpose in the way God designed them to be used. If we seek His face and His guidance, I am confident that He will lead us down the path that we should go on our journey. We must trust Him and His way and understand that our gifts and/or purpose are way greater than us and are a blessing to have.

There’s no issues when I see someone living out their “calling”. I only see issues when someone else is attempting to live out a “calling” that is not there’s to do. God gave you a specific calling. Are you using it? Are you walking in it? Are you blessing others with your gift? Or, are you simply doing what you think you should be doing, or what you see someone else doing? If so, how is that working out for you? Are you truly blessing others, or is what you doing for your benefit? Do you feel like you’re struggling through it or feel like it’s “work”? If so, perhaps you need to re-evaluate your “calling”. Talk to God and ask Him what it is that He would have you to do.

Yes, there is plenty of space in the world for all of us, and there are some people who may do the same things, however, they do them differently because they’re not the same person. This doesn’t mean that just because someone else is doing something, doesn’t mean you can’t or shouldn’t do it. You just need to be sure if this is what YOU have been called to do.

When you’re truly “called” and walking in your purpose, there is no other feeling. Yes, there may be long days and countless hours of work involved, but it doesn’t necessarily feel like work; and instead you feel joy because it is a sense of accomplishment. That’s when you know that what you are doing is meant for you to do and God has given you the gift, talents and resources to accomplish your purpose.

Continue to do what God called you to do.

-Ms. Positivi-T


Are you doing what God called you to do, or what you see someone else do?


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Bye Negativity